Christoph Münch

 Christoph Münch

 Piano, Komposition, Musikunterricht



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Herzlich willkommen!  
Letzte Änderung am 18.08.24
Auf diesen Seiten präsentiert sich Jazz-Pianist, Komponist & Arrangeur und Musikpädagoge Christoph Münch mit den wichtigsten Informationen zu seinen vielfältigen Tätigkeiten sowie Ton- und Videobeispielen.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!  
"The state of mind most conducive to creativity is the playful state of mind. All of us are born in this state of mind and spend most of the early stages of our youth enjoying it's rewards. As we grow older and begin to take our place in "grown-up" society, this playfulness becomes discouraged and suppressed in varying degrees. One can't have a smoothly functioning society if everyone is playful all the time. We have to learn society's rules of behavior and become a contributing member. Although during this process of growing up, this playful state becomes suppressed, it is not gone! It is still in all of us and can be retrieved and relearned. Learning how to get back to that state of mind will be one of the major goals of any artistic career."
(Hal Galper)